April 7, 2013


The hubby and I were trying to think of ways to spruce up the yard.  We have been watching a lot of "Desperate Landscapes" on the DIY network.  They always seem to have dark mulch in their yards.  So we went on a search for dark mulch and found "Midnight Black Mulch with Weed Barrier" by Preen at Lowe's.  It costs $4.49 per bag, but we got it for $4.00 per bag with the military discount.  AND, then we needed more a week later.  It was on sale at Lowe's for $3.39 per bag ($3.00 per bag with the military discount). It makes a huge difference in the flower beds.  It makes everything "pop."

BEFORE the new mulch:

AFTER the "Midnight Black" mulch:

 Notice how this pot of marigolds looks really nice against the black mulch.  You can see where we hadn't finished putting the mulch in the back of the picture.  Huge contrast in color.

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