October 14, 2011


Yummy homemade cinnamon rolls!  
I wanted the house to smell like fall, so I made cinnamon rolls.  When they bake up, the cinnamon smell really escapes into the air.  They were really a hit with my hubby - he finished them off this afternoon for a snack - LOL.  
I used the Cinnamon 101 recipe by Pioneer Woman, but I cut it down by about 1/4th.  Unless you want to make a ton of them and freeze them for later like she does, I recommend doing the same.  Since we live in a small place in central Florence right now, there is just no extra room in the freezer for that kind of thing.  I am jealous of you who have a big fridge with an ice machine!  
Here is how they turned out - you should make them too, right now!!

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